Best Practices for buyers visiting listings for sale and for sellers opening their homes to REALTORS & buyers
- Stay home if you don’t feel well or if you have been exposed to someone ill. Don’t worry about missing a showing; chances are your REALTOR® can show your home or the home you want to view virtually!
- Don’t greet your REALTOR®, client or anyone with a hug or handshake. It is second nature to extend a welcoming hand, however this contact can spread the virus, so a simple hello or smile will suffice instead.
- Be sure you are keeping a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and anyone who
is not a resident of your household at all times. - Cover your face with a mask to keep yourself and others protected. Also remember to cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and throw the tissue away immediately after.
- void touching anything in the home you are showing or viewing. It is normal for buyers to want to peek into every cabinet or drawer, but right now we should limit our touching as much as possible.
Republic Title advises that all REALTORS and their clients follow all MLS, CDC, state, local and national guidelines
regarding COVID-19. The above are best practices and tips from the CDC and NAR and is not intended to be an exclusive list. Republic Title does not guarantee the prevention of any virus or illness if these measures are followed.
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