eVolve your closing experience with Remote Online Notarization.

Republic Title is making a digital transformation to the settlement process. Technology and added convenience has changed the way people do just about everything in business including the home buying/selling experience.

What is Remote Online Notarization eClosing?

Remote Online Notarization (”RON”) is a new, technology-driven notarial process that allows the signer to appear before the notary over a live audio-video feed when executing digital documents. Our dedicated team of professionals will provide our customers with a clear understanding of what is being signed and why it’s needed ensuring a worry-free closing experience from anywhere in the world.

How does Remote Online Notarization work?

RON is a new, technology-driven notarial process that allows the signer to appear before the notary over a live audio-video feed when executing digital documents. See below for the 5 steps of a RON:

RON Vetting Requirements | Signers must be able to verify minimum personal information and personal device vetting requirements to conduct a RON session.

Identity Verification | Using the latest identity verification technologies, the signer will take a knowledge-based identity quiz and submit ID for review.

Audio-Video Conference | The notary and signer talk over webcam in real-time and observe the necessary digital signatures and seals being added to the digital documents.

Tamper-Sealed Documents | The notary adds a tamper-seal to date/time-stamp the notarized documents. The signer downloads a PDF of the completed, digitally signed and digitally notarized document.

Audit Trail and Notary Records | Like with traditional notarizations, the notary keeps a journal logging the basic details of the notarization.

*On transactions involving a Lender, Lender approval is required.


Close from anywhere in the world where transaction and technology requirements can be met.


Understand what you're signing, and why it's needed, ensuring a worry-free closing experience with a team of dedicated closing professionals.


Reduced carbon footprint -- completely paperless.


Verify identity with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA).


Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN ACT)

The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN ACT), provides a general rule of validity for electronic records and signatures for transactions in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce.

How does Remote Online Notarization (RON) Work

Learn the 4 steps to this new, technology-driven notarial process.


The Mortgage Bankers Association and the American Land Title Association have proposed model legislation to help states adopt a process for remote online notarization.

Remote Online Notarization (RON) System Requirements

Minimum system requirements for RON transactions.

Remote Online Notarization (RON) Transaction Requirements

Underwriting requirements for RON transactions.


The Uniform Law Commission amended the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA) in 2018 to allow remote online notarization through the use of audio-visual recording and identity-proofing technology.

Sample RON Acknowledgments and Jurats for Remote Online Notarization (RON)

Acknowledged statements is for when a person declares signing a document voluntarily for the purposes and considerations stated in it.

Sworn statements (Jurats) are for when a person compels truthfulness under penalties of perjury about a statement or promise.

Uniform Electronic Transactions ACT (UETA)

The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) establishes the legal equivalence of electronic records and signatures with paper writings and manually-signed signatures, removing barriers to electronic commerce.

Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (UPRERA)

The Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (UPRERA) removes any doubt with regard to the ability of a local recording office to accept and otherwise process electronic documents and signatures for recording.




Dennis Pospisil

Senior Vice President /
Digital Settlement and Signing Services
(214) 556-0400
Team Email

Audriana J. Laws

Vice President /
Escrow Officer / Team Lead

(214) 556-0400
Team Email
Dana Martinez-1

Dana Martinez

Escrow Officer

(214) 556-0400
Team Email

Diane Sanders

Escrow Officer

(214) 556-0400
Team Email

Robin Miller

Vice President /
Escrow Officer

(214) 556-0400
Team Email



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