Schools everywhere in North Texas have reported closings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If your role as a parent now includes teacher, check some of these amazing resources to keep your kids learning and engaged.
PBS Kids Daily: http://public.pbs.org/PBSKIDSDaily?source=fb&fbclid=IwAR2Cw7H4OahmAZD0eM1T2Zbr-MZUoJKApg2xAfYZtojqR2Obb-EAbcSUhC8
PBS has a great newsletter that you can sign up for and each day they will email you new activities to keep your kids occupied throughout the day. This includes printable board games, family discussions, and problem solving questions.
Kids Activities Blog: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/135609/list-of-education-companies-offering-free-subscriptions/?fbclid=IwAR2n0uTaq0t0QczxHOQcOmf16fD2d8JWYbg5gkDElPUbQo5ButpcGqK1udU
This site links you to hundreds of education companies who are now giving out their resources for free. There are lots of hours of learning to ensure that your kids keep learning every day.
Ivy League Classes: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ivy-league-free-online-courses-a0d7ae675869/?fbclid=IwAR1LPcJSc5LnAaYaDBRGVVvIw41SnYDNzdu4BP7SNAYO_GBCVpLAWUb3uxU
Many Ivy League schools have online classes that you can audit for free. From computer science to personal development and over 500 classes there is something for everyone.
Virtual Museum Tours:
Need an exciting art lesson? Or maybe you just need an escape? This website links you to many virtual museum tours. Experience the best museums from London to Seoul in the comfort of your own home.
Stream Free Operas from the Met:
Have you always thought that you could get really into opera if it were more easily accessible? Well, now is your chance. The Metropolitan Opera will host “Nightly Met Opera Streams” on its website in an attempt to continue providing opera to its audience members.
North Texas Organizations Helping Children in Need:
During this time of school closures, many children in North Texas will not be receiving the breakfast and lunch they rely on from school. Visit the Republic Title Facebook page for links to local organizations who are assisting children in need.